
Recommended Reading for Leaders and Managers

Feb 6, 2018

We are often asked which books we recommend for management and leadership development. There are so many out there it is obviously hard to recommend only a few. Here are some books we would highly recommend looking at:

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R Covey is a great book to dip in and out of. The habits are easily explained and followed and really do make a difference to how effective you are.

The Five Temptations of A CEO by Patric Lenicon. A short but effective book written as a story with highlights five key things to avoid.

The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonical. Leading and managing people is stressful, This book gives some evidence backed mindset changes that you get good at stress.

Great by Choice. By Jim Collins and Morton T Hansen. Another book based on extensive research that shows how those organisations that have been successful over long periods have time have operated..

Supercommunicators: by Charles Duhigg. Evidence based insights into how to connect with people effectively.

Neuroscience for Organisational Change by Hilary Scarlet. An evidence based practical guide to managing change.

If you are interested in developing your leadership or creating more effective teams we would love to have a conversation.

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