Mar 19, 2017 | Advice and Ideas, Better leadership - top tips
I am often asked “what makes a good leader?” My answer is: It depends on the time, place and people, however there are some common ingredients. So I thought about the great leaders I have met and the ingredients that set them apart. Good Listening. Better leaders... Oct 15, 2012 | Better leadership - top tips
I spend a fair bit of time in cafes having meetings or coaching and I am always perplexed when the staff won’t come over to ask if you want anything else. I was in a cafe the other day for 2 hours (we were pretty much the only people in it) and still I had to go to... Feb 24, 2012 | Better leadership - top tips
Training people up. Time to read: 1 minute: I have just returned from a great week running some leadership workshops in Dubai. This was the first time I have been to Dubai and this meant I had to spend a fair bit of time trying to figure out how to get there,...