Articles and Advice

Management, leadership and team development articles and advice 

Management and movement

Management and movement

Movement and body language are a fundamental relationship we need to consider into today's workplace - Podcast by Sal Jeffries with Toby Buckle Find...

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Is stress always a bad thing?

Is stress always a bad thing?

Some people are claiming we will have more negative consequences from being afraid of Covid-19 than the virus itself. They subscribe to the traditional view of stress and fear…

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Emotional Intelligence Tools

Emotional Intelligence Tools

Perceptual Positioning is an emotional intelligence technique that gives you insights into how to change your communication in order to get a better outcome, have more influence or simply understand someone else better.

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Managing & Leading Change

Managing & Leading Change

Fast moving change has become the norm in all walks of life with technology leading the rapid changes in how we work and communicate. Managing change is a key leadership requirement.

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The five key ingredients for a leader.

The five key ingredients for a leader.

I am often asked “what makes a good leader?”
My answer is: leaders are like food, it depends on the time, place and people as to which meal is considered the best. However meals often use the best ingredients

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Stop Procrastinating

Stop Procrastinating

In order to tackle procrastination there are 5 practical steps. You may also have to challenge the way you are thinking. Here is how.

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How do you influence people?

How do you influence people?

Is it the case that you have to have to be born with charisma to influence with impact? We think not. There are some learnable skills which will help any leader. It is an art you can become better at.

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Being present.

Being present.

Being present is a top principle for leading. We need to be able to give undivided attention and have the ability to make others feel they are only ones in the room. It’s only then that we can communicate really well by taking the time to listen to what people are saying.

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Why purpose matters.

Why purpose matters.

Why does purpose make the difference? How do you use purpose and values to lead effectively? Do teams care about purpose?

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As a leader you need to slow down.

As a leader you need to slow down.

When I am walking with my young daughters we are often in a rush to get to school or somewhere I want to be.

The focus is getting there quickly, and there is less interest from me in what they are saying and doing and more on trying to get us to go faster.

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Why leaders need to be seen.

Why leaders need to be seen.

Staff often won’t come over to ask your help or make complaints. They expect to be asked. They may also have ideas that they will share, but only if they think you want to hear them.

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Inspiring leadership

Inspiring leadership

What a great Olympics it’s been. I don’t know about you but I have been inspired and daunted at the same time.
Here is what I have taken from it so far: Astounding 10,ooo meters champion Mo Farah says he has to run 120 miles a week in training. Lesson. There is no easy success, you have to put in the graft.

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How to be an Absolute Beginner

How to be an Absolute Beginner

My Tai Chi teacher often begins classes by explaining how the best practitioners are able to practice moves they have done a thousand times and still retain a state of ‘beginners mind’. This is when they are really aware of what they are doing and how to improve further

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What is your real challenge?

What is your real challenge?

What is your real challenge as a leader? Everybody has a different idea of what a challenge is. Discovering what your limiting beliefs are as a leader is a real challenge.

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Efficiency V Effectiveness

Efficiency V Effectiveness

When I am at my office I often get asked if I want a cup of tea by the friendly co-workers sharing the space. I tend to turn the offer down. I head to the kitchen to make my own tea as an when I need it.
On the face of it this is inefficient as I could be working whilst someone makes my tea.

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Setting well formed goals.

Setting well formed goals.

By using the following questions you can make sure your goals are well formed and effective. Each level has questions which are worth considering ahead of taking action.

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7 step leadership model:

7 step leadership model:

Address each of these areas to lead others and enable them to help you: VISION – let your vision drive everything you do. GOALS – set clear time bound goals around what you are out to achieve.

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How to delegate.

How to delegate.

Delegation is easier and more successful if you follow this simple check list to prepare what you need to communicate when delegating:

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What is real leadership?

What is real leadership?

I was at a client recently running a leadership training course. During the tea break I went to the kitchen with a couple of the managers to grab a cup of te

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Getting out of your Comfort Zone.

Getting out of your Comfort Zone.

I recently tried windsurfing on my local lagoon. I was soon realising it was a lot harder than it looked. I tensed up, wobbled a lot and was so focused on not falling in I couldn’t move.

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