Articles and Advice

Management, leadership and team development articles and advice 

Are you looking properly?

Are you looking properly?

I recently lost my car key. I had just unloaded the boot and then couldn’t for the life of me find the key. I searched my pockets, likely places I might have put it down and had no joy.

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Managing under pressure

Managing under pressure

Sometimes things don’t run smoothly and you get a few curveballs thrown at you out of the blue. Here are our top tips for keeping on track.

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How to Be Inspiring

How to Be Inspiring

This one day course looks at how to really communicate to a team in a way which creates purpose and meaning to what they do. By creating compelling visions and learning how to use metaphores and communicate to generate real team motivation, people will be inspired to perform and deliver great results.

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A Measured Return

A Measured Return

A lot of effort is put into measuring efficiency and returns on investment in organisations. The desire to measure and control is strong, particularly now when we have just been through a recession and cost cutting is kin

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Setting Goals

Setting Goals

There are many ways to set goals. When you are growing a business it helps to keep it simple so these are our Goal setting tips:

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Its all about to change

Its all about to change

70% of change projects fail to achieve the results hoped for because more often than not, the cultural and psychological barriers to change are not addressed properly.
This workshop will enable you to manage organisational change more effectively.
“It is not the fittest that survive but those who adapt to change the best.”

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Slow motion running and a fake tash.

Slow motion running and a fake tash.

So why was I doing slow motion running wearing a fake moustache at 9am on a Monday morning in #Brighton town centre? One on the charities I coach had organised a flash mob to promote its fun run

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Clear The Static

Clear The Static

When I’ve got my business head on they are like static distortion buzzing away in the back ground. Sometimes it is good to get rid of this static by setting aside some time to blitz this non urgent and personal stuff.

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Managing the unexpected

Managing the unexpected

Sometimes life throws you a few curve balls that knock your routine and plans completely out. Suddenly you find yourself running around like a headless chicken just to find out you are still behind.

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Socially acceptable.

Socially acceptable.

I was interviewed recently by an academic group from Yonsei University in Korea who are working on a project for the Work Together Foundation.

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Fend off a winter of discontent.

Fend off a winter of discontent.

This is the time of year when people make and take decisions about their future. Often this leads to people deciding they need to change their jobs or get more out of their current one.

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Authentic Coaching

Authentic Coaching

The CIPD defines coaching as “developing a person’s skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, leading to the achievement of organisational objectives.

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Managing on autopilot

Managing on autopilot

Having taken a paternity break recently I came back to running my business with a fresh set of eyes. Often having a break can do that.

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Learning to Innovate

Learning to Innovate

I deliver management workshops and coaching to a number of organisations and it has been interesting to see how differently organisations have reacted to the change in economic fortunes.

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