Management and movement

Management and movement

Movement and body language are a fundamental relationship we need to consider into today’s workplace – Podcast by Sal Jeffries with Toby Buckle Find out how body language and emotional management have a profound effect on management performance.How Tai Chi...
Three easy ways to take control of your emotions

Three easy ways to take control of your emotions

Is your emotional level allowing you to think clearly? Is it enabling you to influence others in a useful or effective way? Under high stress our ability to see nuance and different perspectives contracts because the prefrontal cortex where we do our more rational...
Is stress always a bad thing?

Is stress always a bad thing?

Not all stress is bad for you. There are ways of thinking about stress which are more useful.  It can help you perform better in a high-pressure situation and a certain level of stress can actually be healthy for you. Research[1]suggests some stress can actually help...
Emotional Intelligence Tools

Emotional Intelligence Tools

Understanding others through perceptual positions: Perceptual positioning was advocated by John Grindler and Judith DeLozier who developed it as an exercise from work by Gregory Bateson. It is based on the premise that to understand a situation fully you need to take...
Do leaders need emotional intelligence?

Do leaders need emotional intelligence?

What is Emotional intelligence? In 1990 John Mayer and Peter Salovey’s research confirmed that some people are better than others at 1. identifying what people are feeling, 2. solving problems that involve emotional issues and 3. identifying their own feelings. They...
New Team Member?

New Team Member?

Last week I had a new member join my team at home.  Pearl is an assistance dog* for my eldest daughter, and she joins us having had almost two years of training.  I’ve never had a dog before, and it’s been very interesting being trained up on how to make...

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