Mar 19, 2017 | Advice and Ideas, Better leadership - top tips
I am often asked “what makes a good leader?” My answer is: It depends on the time, place and people, however there are some common ingredients. So I thought about the great leaders I have met and the ingredients that set them apart. Good Listening. Better leaders...
Jan 5, 2016 | Advice and Ideas, Better leadership - top tips
There are many causes of procrastination. Our motivation strategy to get on and do it is not as effective as our demotivation strategy to not do it. We may have built up the negatives of not performing so we are scared of starting. Maybe we have thought about it so...
Oct 15, 2012 | Better leadership - top tips
I spend a fair bit of time in cafes having meetings or coaching and I am always perplexed when the staff won’t come over to ask if you want anything else. I was in a cafe the other day for 2 hours (we were pretty much the only people in it) and still I had to go to...
Feb 24, 2012 | Better leadership - top tips
Training people up. Time to read: 1 minute: I have just returned from a great week running some leadership workshops in Dubai. This was the first time I have been to Dubai and this meant I had to spend a fair bit of time trying to figure out how to get there,...
Nov 29, 2011 | Better leadership - top tips
Time to read: 45 seconds When I am at my office I often get asked if I want a cup of tea by the friendly co-workers sharing the space. I tend to turn the offer down. I head to the kitchen to make my own tea as an when I need it. On the face of it this is inefficient...
Nov 29, 2011 | Better leadership - top tips
By using the following questions you can make sure your goals are well formed and effective. Each level has questions which are worth considering ahead of taking action. Also see Setting Goals Set the goal as a positive to work towards.What do you want?Make the goal...